Bringing Memories To Life
For as long as I can remember, there have been shoulder mounts on our camp wall. Both at our “Camp Bucks and Beards”, as well as at the Werner’s “Camp Triple Trophy”. The 8-Point Uncle Rob got (long before my hunting days) has been engrained in my mind as a memento of successful hunts of the past.
I had always wanted a shoulder mount of my own, and I have certainly had my chances over the years. Regardless, it wasn’t until recently that I was able to successfully connect on a mature buck worthy of a shoulder mount. My 2020 PA buck from the Allegheny National Forest near camp was the first I had mounted, and I have enjoyed having it hanging on the wall since.
When our unforgettable 2021 hunt took place, Ken and I opted to drag our bucks out (rather than de-boning them in the field) knowing they would both be making a trip to the taxidermist. After getting them out of the woods and home, that’s exactly where they went.
I took them to Yuran’s Whitetail Taxidermy in Transfer, PA and a big “thank you” goes out to Justin for doing such a great job bringing our bucks back to life.